SDGs have 5 foundations, namely human, planet, welfare, peace, and partnerships that want to achieve three noble goals in 2030 in the form of ending poverty, achieving equality and tackling climate change. Some efforts to overcome poverty are to account for what we have produced and consumed. This is such in 12th SDGs target that accountability is part of the efficiency of natural resources as a means of supporting human life and directly preserving the environment by reducing waste through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse. To support the achievement of the SDGs target, one of the things that can be done is by waste management, especially household waste. Household waste is the biggest source of waste. One way of managing it is the existence of a waste management that can be carried out by citizens in this case is the individual. Utilization of waste to produce new uses product that have economic value. Therefore, relating to the achievement of the SDGs' objectives, the implementation of Community Service activities is focused on achieving the 12th SDGs, namely responsible consumption and production; guarantee the continuity of consumption and the pattern of distribution through the waste management socialization to give citizens awareness on climate change.