• Sri Marti PRAMUDENA
  • Khozaeni bin RAHMAD
  • Noor Hazlina AHMAD
Keywords: permai ngo, digital literacy, green skills, critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, entrepreneurial mindset


This Community Service Program (PPM) aims to improve the self-actualization, competitiveness, and adaptability of Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia, particularly members of the PERMAI organization in Penang. The challenges posed by regional labor competition, especially after the implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), include low productivity, limited education, and insufficient skills among Indonesian workers. To address these issues, the program offers psychoeducation, training, and the introduction of new competencies such as digital literacy, sustainability-focused green skills, and an entrepreneurial mindset. These skills are designed to better prepare participants for the global job market, ensuring long-term employment sustainability and economic contribution. The program targets 50-100 PERMAI members from diverse professional backgrounds, including factory workers, lecturers, and data analysts. Through lectures, discussions, and interactive workshops, the initiative aims to boost self-efficacy in career and business planning while enhancing both hard and soft skills. The integration of digital competencies and environmental awareness aligns with global trends in sustainable work practices, contributing to the development of technology-driven and environmentally responsible workers. The anticipated outcomes include improved career planning, entrepreneurial development, and green job practices. The findings are expected to add theoretical value to sustainable human resource development and digital upskilling.


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