Many MSMEs face a range of challenges depending on factors such as location, business type, capital, and financial literacy. A common issue is low productivity, often caused by internal problems like inadequate human resource management, technology use, financial literacy, marketing skills, and entrepreneurial ability. Additionally, limited access to capital, technology, markets, and information further stifles MSME growth. The primary financial barrier for MSMEs is their inability to meet banking requirements like proper financial reporting and business development plans, which limits their access to financing. Community service programs aim to address these gaps by educating MSMEs on how to prepare financial reports to secure bank financing, which can help improve production and business expansion. The program conducted at Nusa Indah RPTRA in North Meruya focused on MSME operators and aspiring entrepreneurs, offering social mapping, socialization, training sessions, and follow-up monitoring. As a result, participants gained a deeper understanding of financial management in MSMEs, enabling them to better navigate financial challenges. To ensure the sustainability of these efforts, continued government support, regular guidance for MSME owners, and collaboration between local authorities, PKK cadres, and the broader community are crucial. This integrated approach aims to foster long-term growth for MSMEs
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