Pasar Bunga Rawa Belong, established in 1989, is the largest flower market in Jakarta and Southeast Asia, offering a wide variety of fresh and dried flowers, along with agricultural supplies. The market supports around 600 traders, many of whom have been selling for over 20 years. This paper proposes strategies for the market's long-term sustainability. A literature review, a discussion with the Flower Traders Association, and interviews with flower traders were conducted to explore their success stories and challenges. A SWOT analysis was then developed based on these findings. The analysis led to key strategies aimed at ensuring the sustainability of Pasar Bunga Rawa Belong. These strategies include strengthening collaboration between market stakeholders and the government, enhancing infrastructure, providing technical training and financial support, and improving traders' skills in flower arrangement, financial management, and marketing. Furthermore, marketing efforts should emphasize the emotional and cultural significance of flowers to strengthen customer engagement. These strategies aim to secure Pasar Bunga Rawa Belong’s ongoing contribution to the local economy.
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