The financial aspect is a key factor in business activity process, especially for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Financial management process has a major impact on business sustainability. Generally, MSMEs have financial problems, including (1) less financial understanding, (2) low awareness of financial recording, and (3) the inability to use appropriate digital financial platforms. Based on this reasons, this activities aim to 1) provide education and training on the importance of good and correct MSME financial management according to the needs and interests of each business, 2) educate MSMEs about digital finance, its benefits and advantages for daily business activities, and 3) provide training and assistance on how to use the BukuWarung application as a medium to record and control the financial flow of business processes. The existence of these activities increases the technical capabilities Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Technical matters will ultimately increase the productivity and efficiency of business operations and transactions.
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