Lesbians tend to be introverted, as a result of which lesbians are less well-known and understood than homosexual men. There are still many societies that reject the existence of lesbians and consider taboos in their mindset and sexual order. The purpose of this study is to find out the impression management practices carried out by lesbians on Instagram social media and what obstacles lesbians face in building impressions on Instagram social media. According to Goffman's impression management theory, human behavior, including the clothes we wear, the location where we live, the house we live in, the way we move, and the way we speak, are used to show themselves. This research use descriptive qualitative by conducting interviews with several resource persons. The results found that most of these lesbians still close their identities from the family for fear of rejection. They will be closed when in front of family and public circles, but when in their community they will open up about identity. The impression they display also does not clearly highlight them as part of the Lesbians because they choose to be as comfortable as themselves in terms of appearance, language style and social media style.
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