• Dipa MULIA
Keywords: e-commerce; e-marketing; constraints, solutions


The 2024 Community Service Program was implemented in Meruya Selatan Subdistrict by taking the topic of the obstacles experienced by the community when using e-marketing and e-commerce. This obstacle greatly influences the use of e-marketing and e-commerce technology which is believed to simplify and increase the efficiency of community activities. This program provides input and additional insight for the community to be able to overcome these obstacles so that internet-based technology can be used optimally. The main barriers for participants were access to marketing and funding. Internet technology is believed to be able to resolve participants' barriers, so that the barriers of internet use need to be overcome.


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How to Cite
MULIA, D. (2024). WEAKNESSES OF USING E-MARKETING AND STRATEGIES TO OVERCOME THEM. ICCD, 6(1), 317-323. https://doi.org/10.33068/iccd.v6i1.778