Understanding the influence of information quality from eWOM in mediating the relationship between celebrity endorsement and social media marketing toward brand trust, especially from the perspective of gen-z, is crucial as it provides insights into how MSMEs digital strategies can effectively build trust among this key consumer group. This study examines the role of digital marketing in increasing trust in MSME brands from a gen-z perspective. This study was conducted using a quantitative approach, with data collected cross-sectionally from 221 participants, all of whom were students aged between 19-21 years and active social media users in Jakarta, Indonesia. Data were collected through a questionnaire using a 5-point Likert scale. This study underscores the critical role of credible celebrity endorsements and effective social media marketing strategies in enhancing brand trust through high-quality eWOM information, providing valuable insights for UMKM aiming to build trust and engage young, digital-savvy gen-z as consumers. The results show that MSMEs need to pay attention to the quality of information from eWOM, celebrity endorsements, and social media marketing which significantly affect brand trust, and the quality of information from eWOM serves as a mediating factor.
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