• Marlinda IRWANTI
  • Morissan MORISSAN
Keywords: innovative youth, children's creativity, creative community, creativity development


From the moment a child is born, creativity should be fostered and strengthened. Children and teenagers live in a creative world where they need room to move, think, and get emotional guidance. Engaging in reading activities is one approach to increase creativity. As compared to other nations, Indonesians still show a very low level of interest in reading books. According to UNESCO data, the nation has the second-lowest literacy rate in the world. Indonesia is ranked 60th out of 61 countries in terms of interest in reading books. Relevant parties should move quickly to facilitate and investigate the source of the public's loss of interest in reading. One strategy to promote creativity and a love of reading among the younger population—especially children—is to establish children's libraries. After a community development project came to an end on June 6, 2024, the children of the Hafidhin Royan Orphanage in South Jakarta City gained access to a small library called as "Pojok Pustaka." Reading bookshelves have been placed in kid-friendly areas to complete the service project.  The orphanage children said they were happy to read the many picture books Pojok Pustaka had given them when asked about their feelings. The number of books at the Pojok Pustaka has been gradually increased in an attempt to keep kids from getting bored and to make sure they always have new selections when they come to read.


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How to Cite
IRWANTI, M., & MORISSAN, M. (2024). ENHANCING THE CREATIVITY OF CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS. ICCD, 6(1), 254-259. https://doi.org/10.33068/iccd.v6i1.769