Mother-child communication is not always easy. Problems arise when there is a misalignment in communication between mothers and children. The gap created can lead to issues ranging from minor to severe, both in the present and in the future. The program design and implementation team of PKM (Community Service Program) from the Faculty of Communication Science, Sahid University Jakarta, aims to address the aforementioned issues by providing effective communication training to a group of mothers who are parents of students at an educational institution named PAUD Khairu Ummah Bogor, located in Cikarawang, Dramaga, Bogor Regency. The activities took place from May to June 2024. A brief analysis shows that partners can utilize knowledge related to effective communication to enhance their competencies when dealing with their children. The effective communication knowledge includes understanding effective communication and the conditions required to achieve it. The guidance and motivation provided seem to have been utilized by the partners with satisfactory results.
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