Fundamentally, children with intellectual disabilities face learning difficulties, particularly in academic memory, and thus require education that emphasizes training, guidance, and support to optimize their potential. Visual learning is related to visual attention, memory, and the ability to distinguish conceptual and perceptual differences (shape stability, form/model, and base) and its cognitive aspects. The learning method we use involves several stages. First, we present two animated educational videos about letters and numbers, as well as animated videos introducing numbers, along with various interactive approaches for the participants with intellectual disabilities. The selection of participants is also based on the criteria and categories set by the institution. The results of this animated video learning are not only engaging and enjoyable but also foster good interaction between participants, educators, parents, and their environment. With visuals that are focused and well-organized, the learning attention can be directed effectively. The characters featured in the animated videos provide a more enjoyable experience, interact with the actions of the characters, and become iconic, making them easy for the participants to follow and remember.
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