Waste management is a common problem. Household waste got at first rank in existing waste. Household activities produce waste every single day. Sustainable waste management is needed to reduce and decompose waste into zero waste. Zero waste need active participation from the community in supporting sustainable development. This community service activity is workshop producing eco-enzyme with partners from housewives’ groups of RT. 13 Pondok Betung Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan. This activity aims to increase the understanding and the participation of community, especially housewives, to be responsible for what have been produced and consumed as part of sustainable development. Processing organic waste into eco-enzymes is a responsible step contribute to zero waste. The implementation method is divided into three stages, namely preparation, implementation and reporting. Since the preparation stage, this activity has received a positive response from participants to actively participate in preparing for the implementation of the program. The raw materials for eco-enzymes are easily obtained in the residential environment, as well as the simple producing techniques that increase the enthusiasm of participants. Through this workshop, participants increasingly understand the simple techniques of managing waste circularly into useful items as part of sustainable development.
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