In Gang Hijau Swakarya, Meruya Selatan, there are still lots of open spaces with plenty of sunlight and plots of land surrounding residential buildings that have not been used for greening. Nevertheless, the community has not yet been able to convert sunlight into electricity using it as a renewable energy source. When used, this can save operating expenses and maximize the product's selling price. Therefore, the purpose of this community service project is to improve food security by creating an eco-friendly and effective hydroponic farming system in metropolitan areas, employing renewable energy sources, and developing and putting into practice solar cell technology. Socialization and hydroponics training are used to accomplish this aim. Through the use of renewable energy, the participants were able to comprehend and put hydroponic planting principles into practice. The result, from the questionaire, it is obtained that the average training participants strongly agree at 0.653 and agree at 0.348. The mean value is 3.652 and the standard deviation is 0.029. This indicates that the standard deviation value is smaller than the average value, so the performance can be said to be good.
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