• Rocky Prasetyo JATI
Keywords: cultural preservation, traditional arts, digital technology, cultural heritage


This article examines the role of digital technology in the preservation of cultural heritage, focusing on community development and the preservation of traditional Javanese arts. Based on the literature review and field observations, this article discusses a paradigm shift in cultural preservation and promotion through digital technology, especially in the context of traditional Javanese music. Previous studies have shown that the internet and digitalization play an essential role in promoting and sustaining cultural wealth. This article explores how digital technologies facilitate traditional music's recording, archiving, and distribution, thereby expanding access for modern society and the global community. Platforms like Google Arts & Culture strategically introduce cultural heritage by providing open access to art and cultural collections from different countries, making traditional culture more accessible and appreciated by the wider community. The discussion also highlighted the role of online cultural communities as the main driver in preserving and promoting culture in the digital era. Technology expands access to and distribution of cultural information and encourages collaboration, innovation, and connectivity between individuals and communities. This article is part of the author's efforts to assist the community development process in the cultural community in Klaten, emphasizing the importance of digital technology as a strategic tool in community development and cultural preservation. This technology is expected to be adopted by individuals, organizations, and governments to maintain and develop cultural heritage to remain relevant.


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