• Brett HOLLIS
  • Nanda ANGELINA
  • Dewi TAMARA
Keywords: consumer attitude, consumptive behaviour, digital wallet, financial literacy, impulsive behaviour


In Indonesia, digital payment methods like wallets and electronic money are becoming increasingly popular. However, more research is needed to explore the link between users' impulsive and consumptive purchasing behaviors and their use of these payment options. This study examines the impact of perceived ease of use (PEOU) of digital wallets, perceived usefulness (PU), perceived enjoyment (PE), and financial literacy (FL) on the mediating role of consumer attitude (CA). It also explores CA's effect on consumptive (CB) and impulsive behavior (IB), and its moderating role between financial literacy and both behaviors. The study aims to determine whether financial literacy directly affects consumptive and impulsive behavior. The research surveyed 207 digital wallet users in DKI Jakarta, aged 18 to 41, and found that the model explains 72.4% of the variance in CA, 11.4% in CB, and 1.9% in IB. Overall, six out of 10 hypotheses were rejected, and the study’s implications and future research recommendations will be discussed.


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How to Cite
HOLLIS, B., ANGELINA, N., & TAMARA, D. (2024). EXAMINING THE EFFECTS OF DIGITAL WALLET USE ON CONSUMERS. ICCD, 6(1), 484-492. https://doi.org/10.33068/iccd.v6i1.713