Smoking habits in Indonesia is one of the health problems and becomes a socially complex problem. Nicotine content in cigarettes can damage the immune response system and cause constriction of blood vessels, including the blood vessel in the tissue around the teeth. This condition can increase pocket depth, alveolar bone loss, and tooth loss. The aim of this study was to explain the level of knowledge about the danger of smoking in smokers at Sriamur Health Center of Bekasi Regency. This study was a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. The total samples were 100 smokers at Sriamur Health Center of Bekasi Regency. Data collection was conducted using questionnaires in Google Form. The statistical test used was univariate. The results of the study obtained those smokers at Sriamur Health Center of Bekasi Regency age 24-34 years with male at 85% and female 15%. 1% of the smokers had a low knowledge about the danger of smoking to periodontal health, 50% had a moderate knowledge, and 45% had a high knowledge. The conclusion from this study was level of knowledge about the danger of smoking on periodontal health in smokers at Sriamur Health Center of Bekasi Regency had a good knowledge.
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