Teledentistry is part of telemedicine, and it can effectively provide dental and oral services to the community, especially to underserved communities. Posyandu cadres can also use teledentistry. The knowledge and attitude of posyandu cadres is the basis that can encourage posyandu cadres to be able to carry out one of the roles of posyandu cadres as a long-arm health center to help provide access to dental and oral health services to the community by utilizing teledentistry. The purpose of this study is to explain the knowledge and attitude of posyandu cadres regarding the use of teledentistry in Pisangan Village, East Ciputat. The descriptive research method used a cross-sectional design with a total sample of 207 posyandu cadres using a purposive sampling technique. The questionnaire was a Google form containing an informed consent sheet, six knowledge questions and nine statements of attitude regarding teledentistry. The Univariate test showed that of the 207 posyandu cadres, the majority were in the age range of 46-55 years (48.3%) with a high school/equivalent education level (60.9%) who had a good level of knowledge (69.1%) and had a positive attitude (97.1%) towards teledentistry.
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