Tempe is an indigenous food from Indonesia. Historical evidence show that soybean tempe originated in Central Java and appeared in the Javanese food culture around five centuries ago. Until recently, little attention has been paid to promote tempe even it contributes significantly to the nutrient intake of Indonesians and could prevent hypercholesteremia and hyperglycaemia. This activity aimed at promoting Tempe as Indonesian Indigenous food and culture; and gaining the support from professional organizations, government, community, producers and consumers in order to include tempe in the national list of intangible cultural heritage. This activity was held since 2015 till 2018. The way to promote it was through seminars, online and offline support, and competition. During the last three years, fifteen seminars on the health of tempe were done in fifteen cities covered 4500 women leaders, scientist and government officers. Information about culture and health benefit of tempe was also promoted through social media, and competition, as well as online petition. As much as 22 related professional association, central government institutions, universities, tempe producers and consumers supported written that tempe should be proposed to be national list of intangible cultural heritage; and further to be intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO. The final result of this activity was the Ministry of Education & Culture formally launched that tempe was included in the list of national list of intangible cultural heritage based on certificate number 60089/MPK.E/KB/2017. Besides, tempe also include among the five unique indigenous culture to be promoted to be and intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO.