The elderly population increases every year and leads to several problems, especially health problems, because physical conditions have decreased every year. Elderly patients have limitations in carrying out activities including paying attention to and taking care of their oral health. The purpose of this study was to explain the importance of education for the elderly in maintaining oral health. This research method is Simple Random Sampling by using questionnaires and interviews with 37 elderly people, at Keranggan health center, South Tangerang. The results of the study obtained data in the form of the elderly age 60 - 67 years, the elderly work varied in the form of, traders, retirees, and no work. The drugs that are consumed routinely are antihypertension drugs, diabetes drugs, gout drugs, stomach acid drugs and pain relievers. The conclusions obtained from this study, there is still a lack of knowledge of the elderly in Keranggan health center, South Tangerang regarding the importance of maintaining oral and dental health.
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