Bogor Fruit Garden (BFG) has an area of 3.30 ha, which is a combination of flower, fruit and phytopharmaca gardens. The purpose of implementing the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism (GCET) is to achieve sustainable tourism development and to shape the behavior of tourism people in a more responsible direction. The first problem faced by Partners is the lack of knowledge and skills in making the GCET. The second problem faced by Partners is the lack of knowledge and skills in selecting flora species for BFG collections, and how to calculate carbon dioxide absorption. The solution to addressing the first problem is by socializing the GCET. The solution to overcome the second problem is by socializing tree species and how to calculate carbon dioxide absorption from various tree species. Improvement and Knowledge of BFG Managers related to GCET is quite good (5.84%). While related to the type of tree and how to calculate the absorption of carbon dioxide by 7.10%. This is shown by the results of an analysis involving 7 BFG employees and managers, with pre and post-tests consisting of 14 GCET elements and tree species and how to calculate carbon dioxide absorption.
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