The preparation of financial statements will provide information regarding the company's financial performance and financial position of the company. PKM is carried out at the UMKM Tukangroti.Com Pangkalan Jati Depok, a franchise business established in 2020. UMKM Bakers. Com is engaged in the culinary field selling various kinds of coffee bread filled with butter, cheese, and chocolate. This business is located on Jalan Pangkalan Jati II, Cinere, Depok. As long as the business was established until now, the owner has never prepared financial reports. This is because the owner does not know the process of preparing financial statements and does not have the human resources to prepare financial reports. Based on the problems above, the community service team considers it necessary to conduct outreach and education for the UMKM Tukangroti.Com Pangkalan Jati Depok. The socialization and education were done by assisting the UMKM Uang Bakan.Com Pangkalan Jati, Depok, in recording financial transactions and preparing financial reports based on SAK EMKM. This PKM aims to inform SMEs, Pangkalan Jati and Depok, about preparing financial statements based on SAK EMKM. The results of Community Service with the application of SAK EMKM make it easier to check financial conditions by applying records of good finances.
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