Introduction: Surface roughness can be affected by contact with an acidic solution. An acidic environment due to food and drink that is consumed continuously can be affected the instability of chemical bonds in the composite resin. Tamarindus indica or often known as tamarind is often used as herbal medicine, seasoning, syrup, and packaged drinks. Purpose: To determine the effect of tamarind solution on the surface roughness with immersion time of 1 day, 3 days, 5 days . Methods: This research was a laboratory experimental study, with a total sample of 27 microhybrid composites and conducted by measuring with a surface roughness tester. Results: There was a significant difference after immersion of tamarind solution on the roughness of the microhybrid composite resin. Conclusion: There is an effect of soaking tamarind solution (Tamarindus Indica L.) on the surface roughness until the 5th day.
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