Desa Wanagiri is located in the Saketi Subdistrict, Pandeglang Regency. This village is situated 3 km from the subdistrict's capital, Saketi, 23 km from the regency's capital, and 43 km from the provincial capital of Banten. The geographical condition of Wanagiri village provides it with potential worth exploring further. At the forefront of public services at the lowest level of government, good public service is crucial for the success of economic development. However, several issues need to be addressed, such as the need for more skills among village officials, poor office administration management, and insufficient information about the village.
Additionally, public services must keep up with the advancement of information and communication technology and the spirit of the bureaucratic reform agenda. A solution to these problems is proposed: creating a village application and website, accompanied by relevant training. The methods used in this service activity are tailored to the existing issues. The objectives of implementing this program include organized management of digital-based village administration, establishing an informative village website, promoting village potential, and enhancing the abilities and skills of village officials. The expected outcomes of this program are improving service quality to the community, scientific publications, and transferring knowledge and technology to village officials. It is hoped that village officials will become proficient in providing services to the community with the support of information technology, resulting in efficient service for the community.
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Permendagri no. 47 tahun 2016 Tentang Administrasi Pemerintah Desa
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UU No. 6 tahun 2014 tentang Desa