Tax is the largest income that supports national development, which is indirectly enjoyed by taxpayers and society in general. Aware of this, the Directorate General of Taxes as the party authorized to collect central tax revenue continues to improve tax services to the public, both from its own human resources to other resources with the aim that taxpayers are encouraged to comply with taxes so that the tax revenue target is achieved. The online tax application is a tax service breakthrough that has been started a decade ago and continues to grow today. Increasing tax services does not necessarily encourage people to comply with taxes and take advantage of these online tax services. Especially Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) which generally lack information and counseling about these online tax services. The limited socialization carried out by the Directorate General of Taxes and the self-assessment system that applies in Indonesia creates a considerable distance between the Government and Taxpayers in the use of online tax applications, plus the limited human resources owned by MSMEs so that information about the existence of online tax applications, the benefits of the application online taxes, as well as how to operationalize online tax applications are limited. This has a fairly high impact both on the fulfillment of tax obligations from the community itself, which sometimes leads to tax bills which also have an impact on less than optimal state tax revenues.This community service activity was delivered to MSMEs in the Tangerang city area by zoom online on February 16, 2022. Information about online tax services is rarely known by MSME taxpayers so that they usually carry out their tax rights and obligations manually, this activity helps people to carry out their tax rights and obligations more easily using a variety of online tax services.
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