Mothers of family empowerment and welfare cadres in the area that we use as a place for community service research, have a responsibility in carrying out data administration related to the activities they carry out. Currently, only a small percentage of them have mastered the technology to help with such administrative activities. Most of the family empowerment and welfare cadres still use manual writing methods in doing data administration, making it difficult for them to move data at any period. In order to help mothers of family empowerment and welfare cadres, it is necessary to hold a training session on the use of appropriate technology to improve work effectiveness. One of the technologies that is considered appropriate to meet this need is microsoft excel. The use of microsoft excel is expected to be able to help mothers of family empowerment and welfare cadres in carrying out data administration activities there. Therefore, this community service aims to provide microsoft excel training for mothers of family empowerment and welfare cadres. Before conducting the training, we held a pre-test and after the training we conducted a post test, this was done to measure how much the participants' scientific improvement was to the training carried out, in this case microsoft excel training. After attending the training in the community service program, it showed an increase of 14.375 from the pre-test results of 63.75, but after the post-test after the training to 78.125. In addition, based on the results of the participant satisfaction questionnaire, the partner was included in the good category because there was an increase of 55%. Thus, the training in the community service program carried out is able to help participants to process data administration.
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