• Hamdan HAMDAN Universitas Mercu Buana
  • Septiani JUNIARTI Universitas Mercu Buana
  • Indra RAHARJA Universitas Mercu Buana
  • Mafizatun NURHAYATI Universitas Mercu Buana
  • Dodi Wirawan IRAWANTO Brawijaya University
Keywords: amenities, attractiveness, trust, visiting decisions, tourism


The focus of this study aims to examine and analyze trust as a mediator of amenities and attractiveness to the decision to visit East Java Park. It is important to conduct this research to contribute to creating a sustainable tourism sector. It has been confirmed by previous research that tourism is the best sector as a manifestation of the prosperity of the nation and state. Because this study uses a quantitative approach with complex population characteristics, the nonprobability purposive sampling technique was chosen. Samples that were accepted and deserved to be tested after screening the data were 253 samples. The reason for choosing the PLS method is that the model is predictive. The result of this study is that tourist trust plays an important role in intervening in tourist amenities and attractions as a real and strong influence on visiting decisions. Thus, the contribution of this research is to provide important input for academics, especially for tourism destination management as a reference in making strategic decisions on tourism management in creating competitive advantage and sustainability in the future.


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