As one of the tourist destinations, Gede Pangrango Village, Sukabumi, urgently needs a homestay to support tourists visiting the location. In this case, community-based homestay has the potential to provide added value by presenting an interior atmosphere that has village characteristics, among others, by utilizing bamboo materials that are widely available in the village and become one of the village's superior products. There are two main objectives of this community partnership program. The first is to provide insight regarding the application of bamboo materials to homestay interiors, furniture, and interior accessories to support a typical rural atmosphere. Second, is providing knowledge to community-based homestay owners so that homestay facilities can support increasing the added value of local products, empowerment, improving community welfare and having a positive impact on the economy around tourist villages. It is expected that through a collaboration program involving farmer groups, Family Welfare Empowerment community (PKK) and local youth community (Karang Taruna), it is expected that the village community will be able to add insight and skills of homestay interiors. Method is to collect literature data about various homestay interiors needed by tourists with various activities. Furthermore, a field survey will be conducted to collect location data and interviews with partners. The result outcomes of this program is training in interior design skills, furniture and interior accessories for homestay owners and MSMEs who produce bamboo products and other local community that can strengthen the identity of a tourist village, increase product marketing and support the sustainability of MSME business and tourism activities in tourism village.
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