This paper is a paper based on the results of the research conducted by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education in 2022 and implemented in the form of Community Service at the new student admissions event for the Faculty of Economics and Business, Prof. University. Dr. Moestopo (Religious) and several lecturers at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Prof. University. Dr. moestopo (religious). The purpose of this socialization is to provide an understanding of the various types of academic cheating, the role of religious morals and academic integrity, the dangers, and losses due to acts of academic cheating. And new students can instill the character and attitude of academic fraud at the beginning of entering college. In the implementation of this Community Service there is a pre-test to find out how much knowledge students have of the material to be delivered, delivery of material using the andragogy method, which is a combination of lecture, discussion, and question and answer methods. Then this activity ended with a documentation session and the presentation of prizes for the best questioners and answers. The results obtained are still not enough to understand about academic cheating among new students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Prof. Dr. Moestopo (Religious) so that through this activity it is expected to be able to think and act by adhering to the religious morals adopted and the integrity possessed by each new student, belief in sin and the retribution received if committing fraud, with high religious beliefs, honesty , trust, justice and high courage will automatically have good moral attitudes and behavior so that students will tend to avoid cheating behavior.
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