The phenomenon of using online dating applications is well-known in today's society, especially among students. The online dating app that is currently used is Bumble dating apps. To exchange messages on the Bumble dating app, you must use a method of communication known as interpersonal communication or chatting activity. This comes in the form of CMC (Computer Mediated Communication). The researcher aims to find out how the self-disclosure of Bumble users utilizes the theory of self-disclosure in this study. The constructivism paradigm is used in conjunction with phenomenological research methods and descriptive qualitative methodologies in this study. The result of this research shows that the first information they share with their partner will vary according to the level of intimacy in the relationship. At first, they limit their self-disclosure to the extensive information about themselves. The size or amount of self-disclosure made by online dating program users will run or develop along with the magnitude or magnitude of the self-disclosure.
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