Exemplification (the means of exemplar) in news stories is a common method of giving information about societal phenomena to make stories more attractive to the audiences. Exemplification is a common and versatile phenomenon in communication. It penetrates both interpersonal and media presentations to provide information, education, and persuasion. Despite its use is often found, it has received little attention in communication research especially in Indonesia. The present study experimentally assesses the relative influence of visual and verbal exemplars on Kompas.com news readers’ judgments regarding COVID-19 information that influenced behavior intention to follow health protocol. An experimental study of four groups using post-test only control group design found that pictures and personal stories in text argument have stronger effects than of picture and text alone on behavior intention to follow health protocol. Analysis of regression, Pearson correlation and ANOVA revealed that when used together, exemplification, theory of planned behavior, and elaboration likelihood model may offer insight into the impact of messaging especially in risk communication and very powerful tools to direct precautious behavior.
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