Based on a decree from the Minister of Education and Culture Number 36962/MPK.A/HK/2020 dated March 17, 2020, the government issued a policy on Online Learning and Working from Home in order to prevent the spread of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19). The effects of distance learning and work from home, as well as the closure of various entertainment and tourism industries, there has been a fairly large spike in internet usage during this pandemic. According to Alvara data (Alvara Research Center, 2020), 15.8% of Indonesians use the internet more than 13 hours in one day. The high use of the internet during this pandemic is a phenomenon that needs to be taken seriously, because the high level of internet usage is an indication of internet addiction. The individual's inability to control his internet use, which is a hallmark of internet addiction, will cause a person to experience psychological, social, school or work difficulties. Psycho-education about healthy internet usage is an important activity to increase public understanding of internet use in order to avoid addictive behavior. In addition, it is also necessary to explain the importance of the role of the family in preventing the formation of internet addiction.
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