DKI Jakarta Province has a Smart City program but during the socialization of this program it is still considered not optimal so that there are still many people who do not know and feel the benefits of the program. Therefore, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has made a transformation by making JSCLab the starting point for the seriousness of Jakarta Smart City to continue experimenting, developing innovation, and supporting collaboration. The purpose of this study is to find out the role of JSCLab as a form of implementing Sound Governance to support the realization of Smart City in DKI Jakarta Province. This study uses qualitative methods and evaluative methods. Data collection is done by interview, literature study and looking for other sources related to the research that the writer is doing. From this research, it can be said that JSCLab is one of the concepts of innovation and collaboration space to create a smart City ecosystem in Jakarta that can integrate information technology to improve public services and improve the community. With the JSClab, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government hopes that this is not only for the progress of the City of Jakarta but mainly for the progress of citizens.
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