Stunting is a condition of growth disorders caused by lack of nutrition and health problems that occur in the long term. Stuting needs to be prevented early on because stunting can have a negative impact on children's growth and development which tends to be irreversible. Provision of nutritious, tasty, and affordable food is one of the efforts that can be done to prevent stunting during pregnancy. Based on this, we chose partners in Posyandu Melati IX, Bedahan Village, Sawangan District, Depok City which is also a location with a priority stunting prevalence. The activity was carried out at partner locations, namely PPosyandu Melati IX, Bedahan Village, Sawangan District, Depok City. The activity was carried out in June 2022. The targets of this community service activity are cadres and pregnant women in Posyandu Melati IX, Bedahan Village, Sawangan District, Depok City. This Community Development activity is carried out in several stages consisting of: 1) Identification of Partner Needs; 2) Review of materials according to the needs of Partners and Creation of Educational Materials, 3) Educational Activities and Practice Making Menus and Evaluation of a nutritious menu. Based on this activity, it can be concluded that nutrition education activities about making nutritious menus is one thing that can be done as an effort to prevent stunting. ROTO snack is an alternative snack menu that pregnant women can choose as a nutritious menu with eggs and other animal ingredients as the main ingredients, easy to make, delicious and affordable. Based on the preference test, it was found that the participants liked the ROTO snack in terms of texture, taste, portion size, cleanliness, and color.
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