Having a huge potential of spices and seasonings and in order to accelerate the promotion of Indonesian culture, creative economy products and tourism, which have great economic value, the Government compiled a program called "Indonesia Spice Up The World '' (ISUTW). This program involves penta helix, one of which is the Indonesia Gastronomy Network (IGN) as a platform and is given a role to compile a single ISUTW narrative but IGN faces problems as it was less able to collaborate various interests into a single narrative so that the community services (CS) team provides solutions as a companion and guide in the design and socialization of single narrative. This CS consists of (1) preparation with perception equalization activities, exploration of ideas and identification of topics and sub-topics with the results in the form of a narrative framework, (2) the implementation with design guidance activities, online discussion of content and making agreements so as to produce outputs in the form of single narrative content that is ready for public testing, (3) the final stage with single narrative socialization activities, conducting online public testing and strengthening of a single narrative so that in the end the single narrative script is ready for publication. Through this CS, misinterpretation in the material, the problem of differences in perception in the material and other problems can be avoided with a regular open discussion space, even if it is through online. The suggestion is that all parties may utilize the single narrative of ISUTW as a guideline for program implementation in accordance with their respective tasks and functions. Program implementation in activities and actions must be followed up with budgeting so that the main objectives of the ISUTW program listed in a single narrative can be achieved by 2024.
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