Entrepreneurship training for the bay community in collaboration with the Banten Province KOTAKU program and with the PUPR and BPPW of Banten Province. The purpose of this training is to create a community that can maintain and utilize the scale of the bay area by creating business opportunities so that the community is able to be economically independent. The training was held for 4 days from 23-26 August at Mathlaul Anwar University with 39 participants from the bay community. Training with a vocational system with a weight of 90% practice and 10% theory. The resource persons are a collaboration of academics and tourism practitioners, MSME practitioners and practitioners from the Pandeglang regional government with the hope that the community will be able to understand in practice how to exploit the area that has been developed by the government into an area that can help accelerate the progress of the Banten area and the bay area in particular. The continuation of this training event is with supervision through monitoring and evaluation for 4 months. Monitoring and evaluation are assisted by local community groups, with sub-district government officials as well as youth groups as well as village care volunteer groups. Entrepreneurship training activities are continued with a mentoring process for small and medium-sized enterprises in facilitating the process of making NIB, product halal certification as well as BPOM, so that MSMEs will be ready to defend their business when the regulations for halal certification are mandatory for all products circulating in Indonesia in 2024.
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