• Rina ASTINI Mercu Buana University
  • Yuli HARWANI Mercu Buana University
  • Mochamad SOELTON Mercu Buana University
Keywords: sustainability marketing strategy, product innovation, distribution strategy, online marketing strategy, branding strategy


One of the factors suspected to be the cause of the low income obtained by MSME entrepreneurs is that the marketing implemented by MSMEs has not been optimal. MSME entrepreneurs do not understand how to use the right marketing techniques and cannot yet manage their businesses. Especially during this COVID-19 pandemic, every MSME entrepreneur must change their marketing strategy to support business continuity. Running an MSME business requires extensive knowledge, tenacity, and the right marketing strategy. Because the main key to business success is the strength of marketing, ordinary products can sell well with good marketing, otherwise, quality products, if the marketing is bad the results will be negative. That is why every MSME entrepreneur needs to understand how to run a business with a sustainable marketing strategy (sustainability marketing) so that MSME entrepreneurs can not only access the market but can also continuously detect competition and dominate the market. One of the factors suspected to be the cause of the low income obtained by MSME entrepreneurs is that the marketing implemented by MSMEs has not been optimal. MSME entrepreneurs do not understand how to use the right marketing techniques and cannot yet manage their businesses. Especially during this COVID-19 pandemic, every MSME entrepreneur must change their marketing strategy to support business continuity. These situations and conditions encourage universities, especially Mercu Buana University to provide education and training related to Sustainability marketing strategy to increase the competitiveness of MSMEs.


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