This is a community service related to the economic society development through socialization on sharia financial inclusion for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSMEs), especially to get the funding of their business. Sharia economics always encourages profit-sharing practices and prohibits usury, which makes Sharia Financial Institutions and stakeholders tend to be more resilient in the face of crises. Ironically, there are still many business actors who are not familiar with Islamic Financial Institutions. With this phenomenon, it is felt necessary to disseminate to the public about the sharia financial inclusion and its multiplier effect on the MSMEs and the economy. For this reason, there is a need for socialization to business actors to improve a good understanding of Sharia Financial Inclusion and literacy about sharia funding products and of course it can be implemented for MSMEs in Indonesia.
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Saratian, E. T. P., Soelton, M., Mugiono, M., & Muhtadin, M. (2019). Knowledge of “Maghrib” (Maysir, Gharar And Riba) For The Halal Transaction Of The Community. ICCD, 2(1), 33-37.
Saratian, E. T. P., Yuliantini, T., Soelton, M., Arief H., Oktaviar C. (2021). Investment Rating for Replanting Palm Oil Plantation Companies in Sumatera, Indonesia. American International Journal of Business Management, 4(3), 56-65.
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Soelton, M., Muhsin, M., Saratian, E. T. P., Arief H., Vizano N. A. (2019). Analysis of Bankruptcy Prediction With Altman Z-Score And Zmijewski X-Score Model In Coal Mining Industry Listed In Indonesia Stock Exchange 2015-2017 Period. South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law, 20(5), 158-166.
Soelton, M., Saratian, E. T. P., Ali, A. J., Anah, S., & Yosef, I. A. A. (2019). Implementation of Organizational Commitment in Engineering and Construction Industries. South East Asian Journal of Contemporary Business, Economic and Law, 20(5), 167-181.
Soelton, M, Wahyono, T, Oktaviar, C, Arief, H, Saratian, ETP, Cahyawati, I, Syah, TYR. (2021). Job Insecurity Anomaly on Turnover Intention and Employee Performance in The Organization Heavy Equipment Transportation Services. European Journal of Business and Management Research, 6(2), 211-216.
Soelton, M, Y Ramli, AJ Ali, H Arief, ETP Saratian, E Pasaribu. To Imply the Organizational Citizenship Behavior In The Work Place To Improve Employee Performance. International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 21(5), 70-82.
Soelton, M., Ramli, Y., Permana, D., Martawireja, A., Nurhayati, M., Saratian, E. T. P., & Arief, H. (2021). Increasing Smes Social Impact with Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil. ICCD, 3(1), 52-56.
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2008 Tentang Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah.,jasa%2C%20dan%20lembaga%20keuangan%20syariah.