• Mochamad SOELTON Mercu Buana University
  • Fatchur ROHMAN Brawijaya University
  • Mugiono MUGIONO Brawijaya University
  • Sonny INDRAJAYA Mercu Buana University
  • Eri MARLAPA Mercu Buana University
  • Nico Alexander VIZANO Mercu Buana University
Keywords: family economy, family entrepreneurship, cultural myths, environmental barriers


Family problems can be overcome by carrying out various family-based entrepreneurial activities. Family-based entrepreneurship can be developed to reduce dependence on job vacancies from companies both government and private. The development of family entrepreneurship can also support economic growth in countries in the United States where 90 percent of the 15 million companies are family companies and have developed 40% of the United States GNP, while in Indonesia such a family has begun to emerge and this can be seen from franchises such as food franchises. fast food, franchise retail stores service businesses, and so on. With the above problems, the service team carried out business counseling activities in creating family entrepreneurship. An understanding of Business Planning in developing family entrepreneurship to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts that occur in the company, ultimately can increase the level and improve the welfare of the community. map the problem to the various parties in these circles. Knowledge of the number of communities in this circle. conduct education about family entrepreneurship in these circles. implementation of Business Planning that can be developed by the community.


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