The Betawi Cultural Village tourism area is a mix of cultural, nature, and agro-tourism areas. Betawi Cultural Village has a tourism carrying capacity in the form of unique tourist attractions, tourist access, and good tourist facilities. Tourism business actors and the community play an important role in maintaining the sustainability of a cultural tourism destination. Betawi Cultural Village is the last stronghold in the preservation of Betawi culture. All Betawi culture in the form of art, tradition, architecture, spatial planning, plants, fruit, and food can be found at Betawi Cultural Village. One of the tourist destinations at Betawi Cultural Village is the Betawi cuisine. Based on observations, research and discussions focused on Betawi culinary traders, they have not paid attention to marketing communication strategies. Food traders have not done marketing communication well. Culinary products do not have standards in processing, taste, presentation, and packaging. Pricing has not taken into account the production costs and the desired profit. Places to sell food are bad, in wagon carts without water facilities, adequate washing and trash cans, less comfortable, and less clean. Empowerment needs to be done to food traders in the Betawi Cultural Village because traders play an important role in supporting the development and sustainability of tourism. Empowerment is done by providing training and counseling about strategies in marketing communications. Covers how to make and develop a product, determine the selling price, arrange a good place to sell, and promotions. This training will increase their income, and tourist visits, which means they support the development of the Betawi Cultural Village.
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