Community communication and collaboration activities in the form of participation are expected to support DKI Jakarta government programs, especially in Marunda Village in structuring slums in the Community Action Plan. (CAP) The objectives of this study are: (1) Analyzing community communication activities in Marunda Village in CAP activities, (2) to analyze the level of community participation in CAP activities, and (3) to Analyze the relationship between communication activities and community participation in CAP development in Marunda Village.The research method used is quantitative research with research samples in 3 RT in RW 01, Marunda Village. Data analysis Descriptive analysis, by providing an overview of the condition of the research variables, and correlation analysis (Spearman Rank) is an analysis used to determine the close relationship between several variables. The results of the research that community communication activities use interpersonal communication and group communication such as meetings at the RT level. Most people have communication tools (HP), so information can be conveyed through WhatsApp Group (WA). In addition, the distance between houses that are very close makes it easier to convey directly to residents. The level of community participation is quite high, this can be seen from the support from the community during the implementation of the CAP. The results of the correlation test show that there is a positive relationship between communication activities and community participation in CAP development. In addition, a good level of communication activity can increase community participation which encourages the development of CAP, among others, there is a high enough motivation to organize a healthy environment.
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