We have surveyed 160 people to consumers, customers, and culinary tourism actors in Serang City. However, of the 160 questionnaires distributed, 28 respondents did not return. Of 132 respondents, after being identified, only 120 respondents met the requirements. The return rate for the questionnaire is only 80%. Characteristics of respondents based on gender and age in the period of this survey were dominated by women as many as 65% between the ages of 26-45 years. The level of education is dominated by the strata 1 level, for women it is 48.72%. And men by 47.61%. What is more interesting from this survey is that visitors who come to culinary tourism are dominated by ordinary consumers from the mothers' and mothers' circles by 72.58%, and men by 65.78%. Furthermore, male customers are 26.31% and women 17.74%. The dominance of the arrival of regular consumer/customer visitors is a reflection of there is still a lot of homework to be done so that customers continue to grow. Primary data was obtained by distributing questionnaires using a Likert scale as an alternative to respondents' answers. The purpose of this study is to analyze the superiority of the role of celebrity endorsement and word of mouth in creating perceived luxury value through consumer satisfaction. Analysis of the model equation using path analysis. The results of the analysis show that; The role of celebrity endorsement and word of mouth variables in realizing perceived luxury value is proven to be positive, either directly or indirectly through consumer satisfaction.
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