Design Area Wudhu For Women In Mushalla Nurul Fata In Kelurahan Kamal, Kecamatan Kalideres, Jakarta Barat. Mushalla is a place of worship of Muslims and performs various kinds of other Islamic religious celebrations such as the celebration of "Isra’ Mi'raj ","Maulid of the Prophet Muhammad SAW", performing the Tarawih prayer during the month of Ramadan. Mushalla refers to a special place for the five daily prayers, where the difference between the mosque and the mushalla is that no Friday prayers are performed as obligatory prayers for adult men every Friday afternoon Mushalla Nurul Fata is located in Kamal Village, Kalideres District, West Jakarta. This musholla began the renovation phase in 2019 and has been renovated so that it is now a two-story building, currently, almost 90% of the building has been completed, but for the place of ablution, women have not finished. Based on these conditions, the Architecture Study Program at the University of Budi Luhur organized Community Service activities to create a design for the place of women's ablution Mushalla Nurul Fata. The method of implementing activities uses the Architectural Design Process. Based on these conditions, the Architecture Study Program at the University of Budi Luhur organized Community Service activities to create a design for the place of women's ablution Mushalla Nurul Fata. The method of implementing activities uses the Architectural Design Process. Every consideration of the design of the place for women ablution Mushalla Nurul Fata was adjusted with input from the mosque manager, while the work drawings for the design of the place for ablution mushalla were adjusted to architectural standards.
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Website News accessed 16 April 2020 at 2.29 AM.