Society in the current era of reformation has actually been presented with the naked staging of what the French poststructuralist thinker Jean Baudrillard (1983) calls a 'theater of cruelty'. As theater, violence, cruelty and ruthlessness have become a kind of ritual that is staged into the public sphere. Violence has become a discourse in the public sphere. The social learning theory proposition states that humans imitate and identify by learning through observing the behavior of others around them, including through mass media. The purpose of community service activities (PkM) is to socialize the impact of violent broadcasts on aggressive behavior, given the role of the mass media as a double-edged knife, having both a function and a dysfunction. The function of the media to inform reality can ultimately have negative side effects. The method of implementation is done through Learning Methodology, a method that focuses on participant participation. The result of this PkM activity is an increase in public awareness of the impact of the mass media. Because if society is constantly being fed with the values of violence, over time there will be an assumption that violence is commonplace, and will make the community insensitive to violence. As a result, in a broad sense, there will be chaos in the social values and norms of society, where the good and true values are confused.
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