A mosque is a place of worship for Muslims. The Ministry of Religion in Indonesia classifies and names the mosques. According to the Ministry of Religion and Dewan Masjid Indonesian (DMI), the classification of mosques: the main Jami mosque at the provincial level is named the Masjid Raya, the main Jami mosque at the district/city level is named the Masjid Agung, the main Jami mosque at the district level is named the Masjid Besar, and mosque at the village level is named Majid Jami. One of the Jami Mosques in Tangerang City is Al Isra Mosque, located on Winong Road, RT.03/RW.05, East Sudimara Village, Ciledug District, Tangerang City, Banten. The Al Isra Mosque was built in 2005 and is currently being developed. In 2018 the Al Isra Mosque was renovated by adding two floors, adding facilities, and changing the facade of the building. One of the facilities that have not been renovated is the toilets (bathroom and ablution). The toilets of the Al Isra Mosque needs to be renovated according to the latest development concept of the Al Isra Mosque. Renovations were carried out on the toilets floor height which was too low, there was only one male toilet, where the male ablution was outside the bathroom, and there were no canopies in the toilets building. Based on these conditions, the Department of Architecture at the Universitas Budi Luhur organized Community Development activities to make the renovation design of the toilets of the Al Isra Mosque. The purpose of the redesign of the mosque of the Al Isra Mosque is that the toilets provides comfort for the Congregation because it matches the architectural standards and the latest concept of the Al Isra Mosque. The method of implementing the activity uses the Architectural Design Process, by input from the Dewan Kemakmuran Masjid and architectural comfort standards. Results redesigning of Al Isra Mosque toilet are shop drawings and RAB by architectural standards, and the latest Al Isra Mosque concept.
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