• Eka Sri Dana AFRIZA IPMI International Business School
  • Indah SURYAWATI Budi Luhur University, Indonesia
  • Rahtika DIANA Universitas Sahid Jakarta
Keywords: Benoa Bay, Identity Negotiation Theory, Intercultural communication, win-win solution


The reclamation case of Benoa Bay, Bali, involves businessmen and cultural observers who want reclamation against residents, artists, cultural observers, and environmentalists who reject reclamation. The fact that there are economic, cultural, and environmental debates between the two sides, in this case, shows that a win-win solution could be achieved. Even so, the end of this case is a zero-sum game, where the party who rejects the reclamation wins the conflict. The future of Benoa Bay is still uncertain because the threat of reclamation always exists. This study applies identity negotiation theory as a cross-cultural communication instrument that can produce win-win solutions. The analysis was carried out on communication events that were documented in the course of the Benoa Bay reclamation case. The results show that the communication problems that occur in the Benoa Bay reclamation case can be resolved using the identity negotiation theory approach. Specifically, it was shown that the Benoa Bay reclamation case occurred multi-level in the socio-historical system of the Balinese and Indonesian people, that this conflict contained elements of moral conflict, that each party had a collection of multifaceted identities, respectful dialogue supported by an open and listening attitude did not occur. the frame that is built is bipolar, and inclusive pluralism does not work. Some recommendations were formulated to lead to a win-win situation in such cases.  


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