The Kingdom of BGBJ or “Kingdom of the Seeds of Bantar Gebang” is a community within the Bantar Gebang Final Waste Disposal Site (TPSA) area which has an effect on the quality of public health and the environment of the area due to the lack of access to sanitation and the lack of reforestation land. On the other hand, the economic conditions and the low education of the parents make the residents around the community limited in accessing household food sources that are not in accordance with balanced nutrition. The general objective of this Community Partnership Program activity is the establishment of a Pilot The Community Nutrition Garden (POKIMAS) in the Kingdom of BGBJ, Bantar Gebang, Bekasi, West Java as a motivator for the surrounding community to participate in POKIMAS in each household. The method used in this activity adapts to the situation and conditions of the Covid 19 pandemic, training is carried out online and complete education modules are provided which will be given to all targets so that they are easy to learn independently at home. The PKM team will provide TOT (Training of Trainers) online to the core team of the BGBJ Royal Community and then the Core team is responsible for providing training to 10 POKIMAS target participants. The results and benefits that have been achieved include: increased knowledge of how to create and the importance of POKIMAS; the creation of 16 simple nutrition gardens managed by households around BGBJ which previously did not exist. Initial target of 10 POKIMAS gardens; as well as the addition of 8 participants that have nutrition gardens around the BGBJ pilot project. The program that is still running with the commitment of the BGBJ community is expected to consume vegetables and fruit from POKIMAS that are made independently by participants.
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