• Aulia Rizki RINALDA Nutrition Study Program, Faculty of Food Technology and Health, Sahid University
  • Khoirul ANWAR Nutrition Study Program, Faculty of Food Technology and Health, Sahid University
  • Nadya WULANNINGSIH Nutrition Study Program, Faculty of Food Technology and Health, Sahid University
  • Kristina Rizki MAGDALENA Nutrition Study Program, Faculty of Food Technology and Health, Sahid University
  • RA Wahyu Murti NINGSIH Nutrition Study Program, Faculty of Food Technology and Health, Sahid University
Keywords: Balanced Nutrition, Education, Knowledge, Physical Activity


Adolescence is a phase of significant growth. This phase is also a form of transition to adulthood so that it must be properly prepared for its nutrition and health for optimal growth. The forms of nutritional problems that occur in adolescents are stunting, malnutrition and overweight/obesity. One of the factors causing nutritional problems that occur in adolescents such as low knowledge about nutrition and physical activity. The purpose of the research is to increase the knowledge and awareness of adolescents about the importance of physical activity and the application of balanced nutrition. The research sample was 82 students of SMPIT Nurul Fajri in grades 7c and 7d. We motion contains interactive online educational activities, games, and the provision of interesting pocket books in the form of e-books that

can be accessed at any time. The results showed that knowledge of physical activity in the good knowledge category continued to increase, namely at the pre-test 29%, mid-test 48% and post-test 78%. In the knowledge of balanced nutrition, it also continued to increase in the good knowledge category at 32% pre-test, 43% mid-test and 73% post-test. And in knowledge about obesity, it increased in both categories, namely 66% pre-test, 40% mid-test and 72% post-test. The conclusion is that the We motion (Move and Nutrition) program: Movement to Familiarize Sports and the Application of Balanced Nutrition During the Pandemic Covid-19 can increase the knowledge of SMPIT Nurul Fajri students about balanced nutrition and physical activity. 


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How to Cite
RINALDA, A., ANWAR, K., WULANNINGSIH, N., MAGDALENA, K., & NINGSIH, R. W. (2021). WE MOTION (MOVE AND NUTRITION). ICCD, 3(1), 479-482. https://doi.org/10.33068/iccd.Vol3.Iss1.405