Spermatozoa collected from epididymis cauda can be used as an alternative source of gametes in the application of reproductive technologies, because the spermatozoa has motility and the ability to fertilize oocytes. Rescuing Epididymis Spermatozoa (ES) in cattle after slaughtering in Ruminant-Slaughterhouses (R-S) is a real action reduce the import of cattle, and saving the germplasm of native Indonesian cattle. This Community Service paper communicates skills and capabilities of Slaughterhouse Managers about ES rescue. Community Service conducted in 2019, located in 2 R-S (Bogor, Depok). Problem solving is done through informal education and discussion, consultation with reproductive expert and direct practice of taking genitals. Knowledge Improvement, and skills of R-S Bogor Manager better compared to Depok in ES rescue. The skills of R-S Bogor Manager in the selection and retrieval of testicles are neater, so that the resulting quality of ES meets the criteria good anatomically of testicles. Reflective practice can be said to be an effective way to improve skills. It is proven that one of the participants (User R-S) not R-S Manager ventured to establish R-S in Purwokerto, Central Java and ready to carry out the rescue of ES
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