In a big city like Jakarta, the community's need for public sphare as a means to carry out activities with various activities together is very important and useful. Public sphare is realized through social interactions that are accommodated in public sphares so that learning occurs between humans with one another, one community with another community, continues until finally there is a unity, understanding, together that heterogeneity in one city is a necessary necessity. must be shared and accepted. The theoretical framework used in this research is public communication and the concept of public sphare from Habermas. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government utilizes public sphare in this case called the Child Friendly Open Public sphare (RPTRA) as a public communication medium. This research approach is qualitative with the method used is a case study. The results of the study indicate that the existing RPTRA in various urban villages as public sphares in DKI Jakarta shows that the DKI Jakarta provincial government has optimally utilized the existence of this RPTRA as evidenced by the granting of access for residents to use it. However, public communication carried out by the provincial government has not been fully utilized. The objective condition of DKI Jakarta's public sphare is still not able to become a medium of public communication that is able to encourage egalitarian freedom of thought and action in the public sphere.
Keyword: DKI Jakarta Government, RPTRA, Public Communication
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