A personality that individuals have formed can increase their self-confidence. The self-confidence influences communication style. Therefore, communication skills and an individual's personality are interconnected with each other. The formulation in this service is how to introduce the foster youth of the National Education Care Foundation located in Ciledug for efforts to build character and personality and the source comes from noble values (kebudiluhuran)? To what extent the basic leadership and organizational skills are inculcated in the foster youth of the National Education Care Foundation located in Ciledug, and therefore, they will become a generation that can develop their best potential? The purpose of this service is to introduce persuasively to the foster youth of the National Education Care Foundation located in Ciledug, on ways to build the character and personality through the introduction of noble values (kebudiluhuran), to develop basic skills in effective communication. The methods in this service are observation, interviews and teaching. The results of this service are obtained in a kind of providing an understanding of communication skills and abilities, and lecturers have strategic positions. As intellectuals, lecturers have a moral responsibility to contribute to the surrounding community. The target community for this service program are the foster youths of the National Education Care Foundation located in Ciledug, Tangerang.
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